Empire’s Sanctions Are Now Driving Venezuela Toward Famine

Empire’s Sanctions Are Now Driving Venezuela Toward Famine

Warnings of famine are increasing in Venezuela, and U.S. sanctions are responsible for driving the country over the edge: In a new study, Venezuelan economist Francisco Rodriguez at New York brokerage Torino Capital set out evidence that US financial sanctions are associated with a 797,000 b/d drop in oil production, worth about $16.9bn a year. He warned…

Israel Against The Venezuelans

Israel Against The Venezuelans

Yet another attempted coup d’etat took place the 24 June 2019 in Venezuela. All the protagonists were arrested, and the Minister for Information, Jorge Rodríguez, delivered a lengthy explanation on television about the ins and outs of the affair. Indeed, unlike the previous attempts, this conspiracy had been observed for 14 months by a unit…

CIA Finances Another Group of Fraudsters: the Venezuelan ‘Opposition’

CIA Finances Another Group of Fraudsters: the Venezuelan ‘Opposition’

Once again, the Central Intelligence Agency has been caught financing a group of grifters and fraudsters at the expense of the American taxpayers. In the latest case, just another in the agency’s 72-year history, the Trump administration-appointed ad hoc board of CITGO, the US subsidiary of the state-owned Venezuelan oil company, PDVSA, stands accused of…

Trump Thinks US Oil Is His Strength When It’s His Achilles’ Heel

Trump Thinks US Oil Is His Strength When It’s His Achilles’ Heel

Headlines abound about the massive surge in US shale oil production. The energy independence-cheering punditocracy hail this as a great victory. This includes President Trump. And it would be if this surge in production was built on financially stable ground. But it isn’t. The fracking industry continues to bleed massive amounts of cash. As I…

Pompeo Blabs Venezuela Plot

Pompeo Blabs Venezuela Plot

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just spilled the beans on Washington’s regime-change maneuver in Venezuela. The US is not supporting a popular pro-democracy movement, as the official media narrative goes. There is no movement against incumbent President Nicolas Maduro worth talking about, admits Pompeo. It’s all an orchestration by Washington. In short, a criminal…