U.S. War Crimes and the Political Economy of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Who Is Responsible? Why?

U.S. War Crimes and the Political Economy of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Who Is Responsible? Why?

Introduction For the last 40 years, the media and the academics of the West have been telling us that North Korea has all the sins and none of the virtues in the world, whereas the U.S. has all the virtues and no sins in the world. That is, North Korea is a bad boy while the…

Palestine: How Western Aid Enables Israel’s Colonialism

Palestine: How Western Aid Enables Israel’s Colonialism

Since the Oslo I Accord was signed in 1993, international donors have expended more than $50bn in foreign aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). That funding has been channelled through a western development model that was designed, at least on the surface, to foster Palestinian economic and institutional development. The western architects of that…

NATO’s War Crimes Charges Against Mother Russia

NATO’s War Crimes Charges Against Mother Russia

Why can Khan argue with a straight and pompous face, that those children should not have been evacuated from this modern-day Stalingrad? This article examines the war crimes’ charges the International Criminal Court has levelled against two Russian citizens, Russian President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, nick-named Mother Russia because of her child protection advocacy. The…