Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?

Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?

After almost four decades of a Cold War from the mid-1950s to 1991, and another 2 decades of Cold War 2.0, since the beginning of the year 2000, when Mr. Putin took over the Presidency of Russia, the US via NATO, and with her European vassals, are now engaged in a hot war with Russia,…

Milestones of Ukraine’s Transformation Towards a Far-Right Puppet-State

Milestones of Ukraine’s Transformation Towards a Far-Right Puppet-State

The extreme right-wing nature of the Kyiv regime is the result of a long-term political transformation and its origins date back to before the WWII. While Russia’s special operation in Ukraine continued, Western media launched an intense disinformation campaign in parallel with this operation. In this context, the nature of the Ukrainian administration, the neo-Nazi…