The War in Libya Will Never End

The War in Libya Will Never End

General Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National Army (LNA) continue to partly encircle Libya’s capital, Tripoli. Not only does the LNA threaten Tripoli, but it is within striking distance of Libya’s third-largest city, Misrata. Both Tripoli and Misrata are in the hands of the Government of National Accord (GNA), which is backed by the United…

‘Mendacity & Lies’: After 19 Years America Admits to Itself That It NEVER could have Won War in Afghanistan

‘Mendacity & Lies’: After 19 Years America Admits to Itself That It NEVER could have Won War in Afghanistan

John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector for Afghanistan Reconstruction, testified before Congress this week that America’s Afghan War was plagued by “mendacity and lies.” But all honesty in the world couldn’t have won it for the US. Lessons learned? The recent publication by the Washington Post of more than 2,000 pages of “Lessons Learned” interviews,…