Mr. Xi Plays Davos Man

Mr. Xi Plays Davos Man

A collective West “led” by unspeakable mediocrities looks at the Russia-China strategic partnership as if it was something like a double-headed Anti-Christ. Xi, for his part, seems not to be impressed. The virtual, special address by President Xi Jinping to the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Davos Agenda exhibits all the elements of a riddle inside…

Destruction of Humanity: NATO versus COVID

Destruction of Humanity: NATO versus COVID

Imagine, there is the so-called COVID pandemic threatening the entire world with total societal and economic collapse, let alone all the collapses in between, like health, mental, nutritional cum famine – increasing misery and fear, fear, fear, tremendous fear, day in, day out. People’s capacity of thinking straight is already drastically reduced by the useless mask-wearing – as…

The Sinister Convergence of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset with the Vatican and Liberation Theology

The Sinister Convergence of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset with the Vatican and Liberation Theology

Amid the 2020 global covid lockdowns and economic dislocations it has caused, Klaus Schwab, a previously low-profile founder of a Swiss-based business forum, emerged on the world stage calling for what he called a Great Reset of the entire world economy, using the pandemic as driver. He even published a book in July 2020 outlining…

The “Great Reset” and the UN Resolution Prohibiting the “Glorification of Nazism”

The “Great Reset” and the UN Resolution Prohibiting the “Glorification of Nazism”

The majority of UN member states supported this Anti-Nazi Resolution, as they had done since its inception in 2013, when Ukraine merely abstained, and Yanukovich was still the democratically elected President of Ukraine. The United States attempts to justify its opposition to this Resolution for nine years, with a variety of bogus explanations, originally “in…

Behind “The Great Reset” and “The Green Pass” Is Big Finance: Plan for Power Consolidation and Social Control

Behind “The Great Reset” and “The Green Pass” Is Big Finance: Plan for Power Consolidation and Social Control

The main vaccines used in Italy in the “Covid-19 vaccine plan” are produced by three U.S. pharmaceutical companies – Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – owned and controlled by the three largest U.S. investment companies: BlackRock, the largest in the world, Vanguard and State Street. These three financial firms also own and control the…