Syria & Russia Accuse U.S. Coalition, ‘White Helmets’, of Preparing Chemical Weapons Attacks in and Near Idlib

Syria & Russia Accuse U.S. Coalition, ‘White Helmets’, of Preparing Chemical Weapons Attacks in and Near Idlib

The Governments of Syria and Russia claim to have proofs that the U.S. coalition that has invaded and now occupies Syria has prepared chlorine and sarin gas attacks for Idlib and other areas where Syria and Russia are trying to destroy all jihadists — prepared attacks designed to be blamed against Syria’s Government. Headlining on…

National Security Advisor John Bolton © Global Look Press

Bolton Calls on Al-Qaeda to Stage More Chemical Attacks in Syria

In a move that was entirely predictable, the US administration is once again threatening to bomb Syria if there is a “chemical weapons attack”. This was entirely predictable because that chemical attack script has been read out, with salty crocodile tears, fake concern, and mocked indignation by US talking heads over the years – since…

Even the White Helmets have been Rescued from Syria – Are We About to See the Final Battle of Syria?

Even the White Helmets have been Rescued from Syria – Are We About to See the Final Battle of Syria?

Will it be the Last Battle? For three years, Idlib has been the dumping ground for all of Syria’s retreating Islamist militias, the final redoubt of every combatant who has chosen to fight on, rather than surrender to the Syrian army and the Russian air force – and to Hezbollah and, to a far smaller…

© Global Look Press

White Helmets Coming ‘Home’: West & Israel Provide ‘Exceptional’ Rescue Strategy for NATO’s Ghosts

History appears to repeat itself as Israel conducts an “exceptional” rescue of extremist militants and their White Helmet “mannequins” from southern Syria – at the urgent request of NATO member states. The military alliance’s member states just conducted a novel version of Operation Paperclip in Southern Syria but, instead of resettling Nazi war criminals to…