This Is What Can be Accomplished During Imran Khan’s Visit to China

This Is What Can be Accomplished During Imran Khan’s Visit to China

Later this week, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan will take his first official visit to China. As Pakistan’s neighbour and most important all-weather ally, the visit is of incomparable importance as Pakistan stands on the verge of fulfilling the next stages of inspiring new projects throughout the country, many of which have been jointly initiated…

Shining the Spotlight on China’s Anti-Terror Re-Education Program in Xinjiang

Shining the Spotlight on China’s Anti-Terror Re-Education Program in Xinjiang

There’s no question that suspected Uighur radicals are being preemptively detained in re-education facilities before they ever have a chance to commit acts of terror, which is being portrayed by the Western Mainstream Media as a criminal act of “cultural genocide” against this ethno-religious minority, but the truth of the matter is that the situation…

Pakistan and China Share the Same Fight Against Extremism and Extreme Disinformation

Pakistan and China Share the Same Fight Against Extremism and Extreme Disinformation

Not long ago, the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in north-west Pakistan was a no-go area where a combination of foreign terrorists and local extremists ruled the roost. Frequent attacks against civilians continued to scar the landscape while poorly coordinated US drone attacks on civilians only served to add to the blood bath. All the while, US…

China’s Uyghur Problem: The Recruitment of Uyghur Muslims to Join Al Qaeda

China’s Uyghur Problem: The Recruitment of Uyghur Muslims to Join Al Qaeda

In recent months Western media and the Washington Administration have begun to raise a hue and cry over alleged mass internment camps in China’s northwestern Xinjiang where supposedly up to one million ethnic Uyghur Chinese are being detained and submitted to various forms of “re-education.” Several things about the charges are notable, not the least…

Xinjiang : The New Great Game

Xinjiang : The New Great Game

The world crossed a geopolitical watershed at the end of 2017. That was when the American Empire officially declared China its No.1 national-security threat, alongside Russia. Since then, Washington has spared no effort to confront and contain China on multiple fronts. These include an intensifying trade war, bans on Chinese acquisitions of US assets, a…

Is Langley Unleashing Jihad Against China in Xinjiang?

Is Langley Unleashing Jihad Against China in Xinjiang?

One of the early indicators that the Trump administration’s foreign and security policies would not be guided by the President’s own preferences but by those of the supposed “experts” – globalists, neoconservatives, and assorted retreads from the George W. Bush administration – with whom he unwisely has surrounded himself was the announcement of a “new”…