Repeat After Me, Protests in Venezuela Good, Protests in France Bad!

Repeat After Me, Protests in Venezuela Good, Protests in France Bad!

Large street protests in both France and Venezuela. Two Presidents with low approval ratings. But only one whose legitimacy has been denied by Western ‘democracies’ and by the French president himself. Just when you thought globalist hypocrisy couldn’t get any worse, it just did. France and Venezuela have both experienced widespread anti-government protests in recent…

The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics In a Multipolar World Order

The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics In a Multipolar World Order

The protests seen in France and the interference in the domestic politics of Venezuela highlight Western double standards, which stand in contrast to the respect for international law maintained by China, India and Russia. In France on November 17, 2018, hundreds of thousands of citizens, angered by the diminishing quality of their lives, the social…

France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings

France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings

The pressure will now grow to disperse the Yellow Vest movement while also attempting to use the Red Scarves to manufacture support for draconian government policies and police crackdowns aimed at finally ending the establishment-threatening protests. As the “Yellow Vest,” or Gilet Jaunes, protest in France continues to perplex and concern the French government and European…

Crises of Governance Escalates in Western Capitalist States. Trump, Macron, May

Crises of Governance Escalates in Western Capitalist States. Trump, Macron, May

France has once again been the scene of the “gilet jaunes” (yellow vests) demonstrations against the worsening social conditions of workers under the neo-liberal policies of La Republique en Marche government of President Emmanuel Macron. Protests on January 26 attracted tens of thousands continuing the 11 weeks of disturbances where many have been injured, hundreds…