The White Helmets allegedly rescuing another small child from somewhere

The Guardian is Right – Ghouta is “Syria’s Srebrenica”

That is, another attempt to use humanitarian concern as a hook for military intervention. Get ready for yet more liberal interventionist propaganda along the Sarajevo/Srebrenica/Aleppo model. Simon Tisdall’s latest fact-lite, emotionally manipulative lament that the West isn’t doing enough to save the lovely terrorists in Syria makes one unintentionally accurate claim. “Eastern Ghouta,” he says…

The Murder of Yugoslavia

The Murder of Yugoslavia

The conviction of former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) reminds us of a brutal conflict in which atrocities were committed by all contending parties, including the West with a NATO air assault of 78 days’ duration in which hundreds of civilians were killed. As nobel-prize…

Demonstrators prepare a roadblock at a rally during a strike called to protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas, Venezuela July 27, 2017 © Marco Bello / Reuters

The Empire Strikes Back: With Destructive and Dishonest Neocolonialism

This month sees some significant anniversaries in the struggle against old-style colonialism. The trouble is that colonialism didn’t go away after countries in the developing world formally achieved their independence from Europe’s ‘Great Powers.’ It was replaced by a new form which proved to be more destructive and immeasurably more dishonest than what went before….

FILE PHOTO. US soldiers ride a military vehicle in al-Kherbeh village, northern Aleppo province © Khalil Ashawi

Three Countries, Three Continents: One Imperial Western Project

A resource-rich, socialist-led, multi-ethnic secular state, with an economic system characterized by a high level of public/social ownership and generous provision of welfare, education and social services. An independent foreign policy with friendship and good commercial ties with Russia, support for Palestine and African and Arab unity – and historical backing for anti-imperialist movements. Social…