The International Zionist Conspiracy: It Poisons Everything It Touches

The International Zionist Conspiracy: It Poisons Everything It Touches

A recent article by Philip Weiss on the Mondoweiss website lays out an argument that most liberal Jews, like Weiss, are hesitant to support, namely that Jewish power, and more to the point its money, as exercised through the so-called Israel Lobby in the United States and elsewhere, has been the principal enabling force behind…

End of the Line: Understanding Israeli Politics

End of the Line: Understanding Israeli Politics

Israel’s inability to assemble a government is not easy to understand. America has been in deadlock since the 1970s, but that’s hardly surprising since (a) it’s not a democracy but a dysfunctional eighteenth-century republic lingering on well past its sell-by date; and (b) power is fragmented among a handful of political institutions that must align…

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Is Helping to Stoke Antisemitism against Corbyn

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Is Helping to Stoke Antisemitism against Corbyn

Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has not only misrepresented the known facts about Labour and its supposed antisemitism crisis. He has not only interfered in an overtly, politically partisan manner in the December 12 election campaign by suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn – against all evidence – is an antisemite. By speaking out as the voice of…

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress. The gathering represented unparalleled power & wealth (and not a little corruption)… martialled on behalf of Israel…  *** The World Jewish Congress (WJC), which calls itself “The Representative Body of over…

Deconstructing Islamophobia

Deconstructing Islamophobia

Introduction: a short survey of the cuckoo’s nest My initial idea was to begin with a definition of “Islamophobia” but after looking around for various definitions, I decided to use my own, very primitive definition. I will define Islamophobia as the belief that Islam (the religion) and/or Muslims (the adherents to this religion) represent some…

Russia’s Middle East Strategy: “Balance” vs. “Betrayal”?

Russia’s Middle East Strategy: “Balance” vs. “Betrayal”?

There’s an intense debate raging within the Alternative and Independent media over whether Russia’s contemporary Mideast strategy amounts to “balancing” or “betraying” the Resistance given the Eurasian Great Power’s extremely close military cooperation with “Israel” in Syria. The Freakish Fusion Of Anti-Zionism and Russophilia There’s perhaps no political entity more reviled in the Independent Media…