Will New Netanyahu Coalition and Kushner’s “Deal” Bring Destruction to Jerusalem’s Golden Dome?

Will New Netanyahu Coalition and Kushner’s “Deal” Bring Destruction to Jerusalem’s Golden Dome?

There is a story about the Khalifa Umar bin al-Khattab, the Muslim leader who conquered Jerusalem in 637 C.E. It is said that upon entering the city he asked to see the site of the temple built by King Solomon, but could find no one who knew where it was. According to the story, he…

The Anti-Semitic Con

The Anti-Semitic Con

With the Putin/Russia Collusion Fairytale debunked, the undeniable cancer of real foreign interference in our government demands an honest airing. Since American politics is mortally corrupt, one might wonder why bother to expose one prime cause of its ethical degeneracy. If the beast is dead, what use is determining what killed it? Well, it isn’t…

Pro-Israeli Power Rolls over Washington

Pro-Israeli Power Rolls over Washington

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has just completed its annual summit in Washington. It claims that 18,000 supporters attended the event, which concluded with a day of lobbying Congress by the attendees. Numerous American politicians addressed the gathering and it is completely reasonable to observe that the meeting constituted the most powerful gathering…