“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan”. Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky. Note The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29, 2013). In…

What Do Bombs, Bibi, Bezos and Business Have in Common?

What Do Bombs, Bibi, Bezos and Business Have in Common?

From somewhere in deep space keen alien observers poke elbows and giggle over the state of humanity on Earth. One tiny nation’s hidden leadership pulling powerful titanium stings to cause ongoing crisis for billions of people, the idiocy of rule by the 0.1% must befuddle even big brained beings from Andromeda. ISIL, Putin the archvillain,…

The Balfour Declaration: A Study in British Duplicity

The Balfour Declaration: A Study in British Duplicity

It’s been nearly 100 years since the document changed the course of history, yet Britain still fails to acknowledge Israel’s denial of the Palestinian right to national self-determination – and its own complicity. The Balfour Declaration, issued on 2 November 1917, was a short document which changed the course of history. It committed the British…