US to leave 8,400 troops in Afghanistan into 2017, 35 percent more than expected

US to leave 8,400 troops in Afghanistan into 2017, 35 percent more than expected

The United States will leave more troops in Afghanistan at the end of the year than previously announced, President Barack Obama said. America’s combat mission in Afghanistan “came to a responsible end” a year and a half ago, Obama said. Forces there are now focused on “two narrow missions”: training and terrorism prevention. “But even…

Palestinian village demolished for the 100th time since 2010

Bedouins attend Friday prayer under a tent in the Al-Araqib village, located between Beersheba and Rahat in the Israeli Negev desert. © Hazem Bader / AFP Israel has demolished the Arab village of Al-Araqeeb in the Negev “for the 100th time since July 2010” and the second time since the beginning of Ramadan, locals and activists…

On the Road to United Eurasia

On the Road to United Eurasia

Whenever President Vladimir Putin stresses Russia’s «all-embracing and strategic partnership» with China, one can hear the proverbial howls of anger emanating from the neocon/neoliberalcon axis in the Beltway. As he met Chinese president Xi Jinping in Beijng this past Saturday, Putin even allowed himself an understatement; «To say we have a strategic cooperation is not enough anymore. This is why…