Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch

Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch

The rising hysteria about Russia is best understood as fulfilling two needs for Official Washington: the Military Industrial Complex’s transitioning from the “war on terror” to a more lucrative “new cold war” – and blunting the threat that a President Trump poses to the neoconservative/liberal-interventionist foreign-policy establishment. By hyping the Russian “threat,” the neocons and…

How America’s Support for Israel Helps Daesh Find New Recruits

How America’s Support for Israel Helps Daesh Find New Recruits

Place yourself in the mind of a Palestinian. You have just been told by the Secretary of State of the outgoing US Administration in Washington that your people should have «a future of freedom and dignity» and «the Israeli Government’s program of establishing civilian settlements in the occupied territory is inconsistent with international law». Might you have…

‘They’re Kidding, Right?’ Social Media Unimpressed by Intel Report on Russia ‘Hacking’ US Election

‘They’re Kidding, Right?’ Social Media Unimpressed by Intel Report on Russia ‘Hacking’ US Election

The US intelligence community have released their findings that supposedly prove Russian interference in the US presidential election with 7 of the 13 page brief dedicated to RT and its influence on the campaign. Twitter reacted accordingly. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released the report on Friday titled “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions…