© Carlo Allegri / Reuters

Covfefe, Little Rocket Man and ‘Stable Genius’: A Year of Trumpisms

The ‘fire and fury’ of US President Donald Trump has translated into many memorable phrases that have baffled, amused or infuriated observers. RT looks at the top quotes from the first year of his presidency. January 2017: ‘You are fake news’ Trump had famously sparred with the media throughout his campaign. He reserved his ire…

60 US Navy Admirals Snared in ‘Fat Leonard’ Corruption Scandal

60 US Navy Admirals Snared in ‘Fat Leonard’ Corruption Scandal

The Justice Department’s probe into a corruption scandal revolving around an Asian defense contractor has expanded to include 60 admirals and hundreds of officers with the US Seventh Fleet, which is going through turmoil after deadly ship collisions. The Navy confirmed it has been reviewing the conduct of 440 active duty and retired personnel for…

Top Ten Most Curious Memos We Found in the Newly Released JFK Files

Top Ten Most Curious Memos We Found in the Newly Released JFK Files

The US government has released thousands of files relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Sputnik takes a look at some of the juiciest information about the 20th century’s most infamous murder. President Donald Trump has agreed to release 2,800 classified files, claiming the US public deserved to be “fully informed” about the assassination of then-president John Fitzgerald…

© Mandel Ngan / AFP

Two Trumps Confirmed? Donald Says He Met Virgin Islands ‘President’

US President Donald Trump said that he talked to the “incredible president” of the US Virgin Islands, giving rise to online discussions on whether Trump could use a geography lesson, or if there are actually two Trumps secretly present in the White House. “I will tell you I left Texas and I left Florida and…

Participants have been using the hashtag #UnitedWeFan. © redhair_dontcareee / Instagram

59000 Americans Hoping Fan Machines & Blow Guns Will Defeat Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma may find US immigration difficult as 59,000 people claim they’ll point their fans in its direction in an effort to deny it entry. A Facebook event has gone viral in the hope of preventing the category 4 storm from reaching Florida. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYwIYCJFZuk/ “Everyone takes their fans outside and points them at Hurricane Irma…