Assad: No One Invited US to Manbij, All Foreign Troops in Syria Without Permission are ‘Invaders’

Assad: No One Invited US to Manbij, All Foreign Troops in Syria Without Permission are ‘Invaders’

Any foreign forces, including those from the US, that enter Syria without invitation are invaders, Syrian President Bashar Assad told Chinese media in an interview, noting that no one had given the US troops currently in Manbij permission to be there. “Any foreign troops coming to Syria without our invitation or consultation or permission, they…

God in Politics or a Godless World: Time to Choose

God in Politics or a Godless World: Time to Choose

The geo-political struggle between so-called “globalists” and their nationalistic (populist) counterparts has reached a feverish pitch. With trust and belief systems in the crucible, everything from our economic beliefs to our spirituality is up for grabs. At the center of all this, America’s President Donald Trump and the Russian Federation’s President Vladimir Putin stand out…

Analyzing Austria’s “Refugee”/Immigrant Proposal for the EU Periphery

Analyzing Austria’s “Refugee”/Immigrant Proposal for the EU Periphery

The Austrians recently called on the Western Balkans, Georgia, and Egypt to build “refugee”/immigrant centers for processing and potentially indefinitely housing the hundreds of thousands of non-Western individuals that are streaming into the EU. Mr. Sebastian Kurz told the German Bild am Sonntag newspaper that “It is not that important where exactly they [the centers]…