Trump Relishes Annihilation Like a Hors D’Oeuvre

Trump Relishes Annihilation Like a Hors D’Oeuvre

It really is saying something when US President Trump’s latest threat against North Korea draws a rebuke from John McCain – America’s most hawkish lawmaker. McCain said Trump’s comments about striking North Korea with “fire and fury” were not helpful in the current spiral of tensions. Other members of the US Congress deplored Trump’s reckless rhetoric, even comparing the…

This is the Closest That the U.S. Has Been to Nuclear War Since the Cuban Missile Crisis

This is the Closest That the U.S. Has Been to Nuclear War Since the Cuban Missile Crisis

Are we on the verge of a nuclear war with North Korea? It has now been confirmed that North Korea has successfully created a miniaturized nuclear warhead, and last month they tested a missile that can reach at least half of the continental United States. Since 1994 the U.S. has been trying to stop North…

Saudi Arabia Enters Most Dramatic Period of Its Modern History

Saudi Arabia Enters Most Dramatic Period of Its Modern History

Recent news about attempted assassination of the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman, may indicate growing instability in the largest Arab oil monarchy, which already faces a number of very complicated problems. The kingdom may experience the most dramatic period of its modern history in the coming months. There are…

Jerusalem For Sale: Christians Fight Transfer of Church Land to Settlers

Jerusalem For Sale: Christians Fight Transfer of Church Land to Settlers

Palestinian Christians have pledged to fight against the sale of church land in East Jerusalem to Israeli settlers in a dispute that has pitted Greek church leaders against Palestinian worshippers. Church members told MEE that protest action and, if necessary, occupation of the sites were the last options available to prevent the transfer of three…