The Deadly Rule of the American Oligarchs

The Deadly Rule of the American Oligarchs

Oligarchic rule, as Aristotle pointed out, is a deviant form of government. Oligarchs care nothing for competency, intelligence, honesty, rationality, self-sacrifice or the common good. They pervert, deform and dismantle systems of power to serve their immediate interests, squandering the future for short-term personal gain. “The true forms of government, therefore, are those in which the one,…

Poland Is Exploiting Its American “Alliance” to Stand Up to “Israel”

Poland Is Exploiting Its American “Alliance” to Stand Up to “Israel”

Being an American “ally” has never yielded any tangible benefits for Poland until now. Poland has never gotten anything out of its “alliance” with America other than being used as the Pentagon’s doormat for expanding NATO eastward to Russia’s borders and provocatively deploying offensive weapons on its doorstep, but that’s about to change now that…

Cell Tower Radiation Facts and 5G Unknowns

Cell Tower Radiation Facts and 5G Unknowns

Cell phone towers dot the landscape every so many hundred or thousand feet in most places, especially along interstate highways and on higher or hill-top locations. Because there is such a demand for cell phone service—more cell phones now than the total global population—more and more technology means of providing service have to be implemented….