Tracing the Reason for the CIA’s Consistently Faulty HUMINT on the Taliban

Tracing the Reason for the CIA’s Consistently Faulty HUMINT on the Taliban

The CIA is deliberately passing along faulty anti-Taliban HUMINT in order to deceive American decision makers and indefinitely perpetuate the Hybrid War of Terror on the Golden Ring, something that some in the US leadership may not even realize they’re participating in after having been manipulated to these ends by their chief intelligence agency. The…

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

The Kurds Have Lost the Chance to Decide their Fate: Only Damascus Can Save Them

Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria “very soon” and to deliver the city of Manbij to Turkey fell as a shock to the Syrian Kurds gathered in the northern part of the country. These Kurds, who act on a day-to-day basis as a shield for the US forces, have been deliberately manipulated by the…

West & Its Arab Stooges Are Terrified of a Genuinely Independent Yemen

West & Its Arab Stooges Are Terrified of a Genuinely Independent Yemen

Today, the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah is under ferocious attack in the latest stage of the West’s aggression against the indomitable people of Yemen. This war was initiated as a ‘proxy’ war to be fought by their Gulf underlings, but defeats and setbacks have increasingly led Western countries to have more direct involvement….