“Israel” and Saudi Arabia Are in the Throes of “Deep State” Civil Wars

“Israel” and Saudi Arabia Are in the Throes of “Deep State” Civil Wars

Long regarded as being among the most stable governments in the Mideast in spite of their many faults, “Israel” and Saudi Arabia are being shaken to their cores by “deep state” civil wars, the resolutions of which will determine whether they continue to move towards Russia & China or revert back to being American vassals. …

Keeping Bin Salman in Place Will Hurt Trump’s Middle East Policies

Keeping Bin Salman in Place Will Hurt Trump’s Middle East Policies

Against the advise from his intelligence services U.S. President Trump decided to leave the effective Saudi ruler, clown prince Mohammad bin Salman, in place. That move is unlikely to help with his larger policy plans. Bruce Riedel, a (former) high level CIA analyst, long warned of betting on Mohammad bin Salman. Even before the murder of Jamal…

The Loss of Life, From World War I to World War III. What Would Happen if a Third World War Were to Break Out?

The Loss of Life, From World War I to World War III. What Would Happen if a Third World War Were to Break Out?

The Paris November commemoration of the End of World War I: The War to End All Wars acknowledges that 14 million lives were lost in the course of The Great War I (1914-18). The largest casualties were incurred by Russia, France, Germany, Italy, the British Empire (including troops from Canada, Ireland and British colonies), and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. …