Beirut Summit: What Direction will the Arab World Head In?

Beirut Summit: What Direction will the Arab World Head In?

The fourth Arab League Summit, held in Beirut, without a doubt, did not leave a positive impression, and instead generated a number of questions on resolving pressing issues facing the entire Arab world. In the past, summits of the League of Arab States were usually attended by leaders of Arab nations, Presidents and Prime Ministers….

The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics In a Multipolar World Order

The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics In a Multipolar World Order

The protests seen in France and the interference in the domestic politics of Venezuela highlight Western double standards, which stand in contrast to the respect for international law maintained by China, India and Russia. In France on November 17, 2018, hundreds of thousands of citizens, angered by the diminishing quality of their lives, the social…

Bolsonaro Scandal Puts Brazil on Edge as Farmers Eye Amazon Forests

Bolsonaro Scandal Puts Brazil on Edge as Farmers Eye Amazon Forests

A specter haunts the Brazilian elites. His name is Lula – the former president and for the past nine months one of the world’s most notorious political prisoners, given his enormous popularity and the controversy over his conviction and jailing. Brazil, until recently a leader of the Global South, BRICS member and eighth largest economy…

Iran: The Drift Toward War

Iran: The Drift Toward War

Keeping track of the Trump administration’s foreign policy is like trying to track a cat on a hot tin roof: We’re pulling out of Syria (not right away). We’re leaving Afghanistan (sometime in the future). Mexico is going to pay for a wall (no, it isn’t). Saudi Arabia, Russia, the European Union, China, Turkey, North…