The Kremlin Spokesman Is Correct: The EuroMaidan Coup Was An Historical Turning Point

By overthrowing the democratically elected and hitherto universally recognized Ukrainian government of former President Yanukovich, the US-led West was able to begin its project for creating a so-called “anti-Russia” that was always intended to culminate in that country clandestinely hosting NATO military infrastructure directed against its neighbor.

Kremlin spokesman Peskov was correct in assessing that the Western-backed spree of urban terrorism that culminated in the “EuroMaidan” coup was an historical turning point when it came to global security. In his words, “The real threat to the world order and the situation in the world and … in Europe comes from the coup that took place in Ukraine in 2014, which was carefully orchestrated by, among others, NATO countries, despite the guarantees that the foreign ministers of a number of countries had provided. Hence the threat and danger to the world order.”

His comments followed NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg describing the present phase of the Ukrainian Conflict as the “most dangerous situation in Europe since World War Two”. That anti-Russian alliance’s leader predictably left out the larger context that provoked Russia’s special military operation there, hence why Peskov swooped in to clarify. The Kremlin spokesman promoted historical truth by reminding everyone that none of this would have happened had it not been for that Western-backed coup, which in turn ultimately created the security dilemma that led to this latest stage of the conflict.

By overthrowing the democratically elected and hitherto universally recognized Ukrainian government of former President Yanukovich, the US-led West was able to begin its project for creating a so-called “anti-Russia” that was always intended to culminate in that country clandestinely hosting NATO military infrastructure directed against its neighbor. This was to proceed in parallel with eroding Russia’s nuclear second-strike capabilities through the regional deployment of so-called “anti-missile systems” and strike weapons near that Eurasian Great Power’s borders, all to place it in a position of nuclear blackmail.

The end goal was to coerce Russia into unilaterally conceding on its objective national interests as the first major part of the US’ grand strategic efforts to “contain” China, which is the multipolar Great Power that up until that point had truly represented a so-called “systemic threat” to its declining unipolar hegemony for obvious economic reasons. Had the triumvirate of French, German, and Polish Foreign Ministers who falsely pledged to uphold the deal that they helped broker at the time between Yanukovich and the foreign-backed urban terrorists kept their word, history would have been different.

It’s impossible to know the details for sure, but the Russian-Western dimension of the New Cold War between the US-led Golden Billion and the BRICS-led Global South probably wouldn’t have happened or would have at least been delayed for some time as Washington focused the entirety of its grand strategic attention on Beijing instead. Truth be told, the US appears to have revived its so-called “Pivot to Asia” a lot quicker than most observers expected as evidenced by Speaker Pelosi’s provocative trip to Taiwan that brought the Chinese-Western dimension of the New Cold War to global attention.

Whether it’s attempting to “contain” Russia or China, the undeniable trend is that the US is aggressively stirring up trouble with the world’s top two multipolar leaders as part of its cynical strategy of weaponizing chaos across the globe in the hopes of exploiting the resultant unpredictable processes for the purpose of indefinitely clinging to its declining unipolar hegemony. That destructive approach to International Relations, and not Crimea’s democratic reunification with Russia in spring 2014 or China’s latest military drills in the Taiwan Strait, is what’s most directly responsible for destabilizing the world.

Returning back to the Kremlin spokesman’s assessment, it’s crucial for Westerners to become aware of his words. They’ve been lied by their government and its media proxies for over eight years, but they’ve already begun to suspect that something’s wrong after Gallup’s latest poll proved that literally only 1% of them consider Russia to be the US’ “most important problem” despite non-stop propaganda against it. By learning how their country provoked what’s truly the “most dangerous situation in Europe since World War Two”, they can at least have an accurate understanding of what’s taking place and why.

By Andrew Korybko
Source: Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter

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