Russia Would be Torn to Pieces Exactly as Medvedev Predicted If It Ended Its Special Operation

The US wanted to “Balkanize” Russia all along, ergo why it sought to place that targeted Great Power in a position of nuclear and other forms of blackmail via Ukraine whereby it could then coerce never-ending unilateral concessions from it. The US’ liberal-globalist elite aren’t going to give up this geostrategic crusade aimed at fully restoring their unipolar hegemony, which includes subsequently enhancing their efforts to “contain” China by replicating the “Balkanization” scenario that they’d have by then succeeded with in Russia.

Former Russian President and incumbent Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev remixed US President Biden’s words about his country’s special operation in a thought-provoking Telegram post on Wednesday. The relevant excerpt is as follows, which will then be analyzed:

“To paraphrase a well-known expression, Biden said in Warsaw: ‘If Russia stops its invasion, it will end right now. If the Ukrainians stop defending themselves, it will be the end of Ukraine’. This is a pure lie. The truth is quite the opposite. If Russia stops its special military operation without achieving victory, it will no longer exist, it will be torn to pieces. If the US halts arms supplies to the Kiev regime, the war will end.”

To understand the truth behind Medvedev’s words, it’s important to reflect on what President Vladimir Putin said yesterday during his annual address about how Russia resorted to force for ending the war that the West started, which was summarized and explained here.

In brief, Russia was compelled by the pressing circumstances into which the US-led West’s Golden Billion placed it into relying on military means to defend the integrity of its national security red lines in Ukraine after NATO clandestinely crossed them there. Its special operation is therefore in line with the UN-enshrined right to self-defense and also fulfills that country’s moral obligation to have preempted the imminent ethnic cleansing and genocide that Kiev was preparing for Donbass with NATO’s support.

That being the case, its New Cold War rivals’ claims about Russia being driven to intervene out of a supposed desire for pure “bloodlust” are exposed as nothing but false information warfare narratives. It therefore wouldn’t “be the end of Ukraine” if it stopped fighting as NATO’s proxy, but the beginning of an admittedly lengthy process aimed at revising the European security architecture so that it ultimately becomes indivisible like it was always supposed to be according to each party’s prior commitments.

With this in mind, the second part of his remixed version of Biden’s manipulative phrase regarding the end of this proxy war upon the US finally halting arms supplies to Kiev makes sense. This leaves one to scrutinize the first part about how Russia “will no longer exist” and “be torn to pieces” if it “stops its special military operation without achieving victory”. In connection with this, it’s important to make the reader aware of the US Government-run Helsinki Commission’s conference last summer.

Titled “Decolonizing Russia: A Moral And Strategic Imperative”, it aimed at advancing that historically cosmopolitan civilization-state’s “Balkanization” in the extremely unlikely scenario that the Golden Billion achieves Russia’s full strategic defeat. Despite being nothing but a political fantasy, it was nevertheless a powerful statement of grand strategic intent from official US Government representatives, which thus extended complete credence to Medvedev’s dire warning.

Skeptics who still doubt the veracity of that intent in spite of it being openly confirmed during that conference need look no further than some of the most popular information warfare narratives propagated across social media by the SBU-backed fascist troll network known as “NAFO”. These folks obsessively fantasize about such “Balkanization” scenarios and regularly share maps imagining what a so-called “decolonized Russia” would look like, which shows how popular this possibility is in the West.

Returning back to the insight that was shared in the hyperlinked analysis near the introduction about the relevant part of President Putin’s annual address, stopping the special operation without achieving victory would indeed result in Russia being “torn to pieces” exactly as Medvedev predicted. Its national security red lines would irreversibly be crossed, thus catalyzing a chain reaction of scenarios that drastically raise the chances of the worst-case scenario transpiring.

Precisely for this reason, the US continues arming Kiev even though its own stockpiles and that of its NATO vassals are already running dangerously low, which recklessly risks them being unable to meet their minimum national security needs in various contingencies. Washington wanted to “Balkanize” Russia all along, ergo why it sought to place that targeted Great Power in a position of nuclear and other forms of blackmail via Ukraine whereby it could then coerce never-ending unilateral concessions from it.

The US’ liberalglobalist elite aren’t going to give up this geostrategic crusade aimed at fully restoring their unipolar hegemony, which includes subsequently enhancing their efforts to “contain” China by replicating the “Balkanization” scenario that they’d have by then succeeded with in Russia. Likewise, Russia won’t ever voluntarily subjugate itself to “Balkanization” and letting the Golden Billion shatter it into a collection of vassal states, which is why their proxy war in Ukraine is likely to continue raging on.

By Andrew Korybko
Source: Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter

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