The Fall Of Jerusalem

On August 10, 70 AD, a very important event took place for two world religions – Christianity and Judaism. On this day Roman legions of the emperor Titus broke into Jerusalem, which was defended by the Jews-Zealots who had raised against the Roman power. The Romans subjected the inhabitants to indescribable brutality repression, killing hundreds of thousands of people. They burned the city itself to the ground, and they destroyed the Second Temple, built by Zerubbabel after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity, to the ground. The fall of the city was preceded by a terrible famine, which also claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and was accompanied by monstrous events, including cannibalism, which is colorfully described by the Jewish historian Josephus.

For the Jews, this event is considered one of the most terrible catastrophes in sacred history.

From this moment, the last, 4th scattering of the Jews began, which in the Jewish religion is considered not as a historical accident, but as a punishment for the sins of the entire Israeli people. This scattering is Galut, according to the Jewish religion, should be completed only at the time of the arrival of Moshiach, the savior. And then only the Jews will be able to return to the Promised Land. What began on August 10, 70, ends at the very end of the story. It was then, the Jews believe, that the Messiah will be crowned king of the Jews, enter the Golden Gate, and the Third Temple will be built.

But until the messiah comes, all the gates of the world, except the Gate of Tears, remain closed. Therefore, the Western Wall remaining from the Second Temple is called the Wailing Wall today. The only surviving entrance to the worlds of the spirit for the Jews is weeping and groaning. According to what happened on August 10, 70.

For Christians, this event has a completely different meaning. The destinies of Judaism and Christianity by 70 AD had already irreversibly diverged. And in Christian sources, the fall of Jerusalem was not a central event. But at the same time, it clearly confirmed the prophecies of Jesus Christ during his lifetime that the Jews who did not accept the true Messiah and who were waiting for someone else would soon lose Jerusalem, and the Temple would be destroyed. For Christians, Christ has already come, and one must live by this event, live by Him and his New Testament, and not insist on the position of the Old Testament. The fall of old Jerusalem looked like a confirmation that the Old Testament and its shrines were finally a thing of the past. The elect among the Jews converted to Christianity and became the nucleus of a new world people, in which there was no longer either Jew or Hellene.

Later, in the 4th century A.D. The Roman emperor Julian, who deviated into paganism and disliked Christians, decided to restore the Jerusalem Temple in order to play out what had been done by his predecessors, the Roman emperors, but this project failed. The construction site of the Third Temple burned down, and Julian himself was soon killed.

For Christians, this was another clear confirmation of the irreversibility of what happened on August 10, 70. In vain, the Christians believed, to wait for the One who had already come. And the new Third Temple from now on until the end of time will be the Christian Church.

The fall of Jerusalem at the hands of Titus Vespasian again became the focus of attention in the twentieth century, when the state of Israel was created after the horrific persecution of the Jews by Hitler’s Nazi regime after World War II. Zionism, which arose back in the 19th century, insisted that since the Messiah was still postponing his coming, the Jews themselves must take their fate into their own hands – return to Palestine, from where the fourth scattering began in 70, without waiting for Moshiach.

Zionism decided to play ahead of the curve, and instead of the miracle promised by religion, it decided to rely on earthly methods – political lobbying, economic machinations, widespread propaganda. It is no coincidence that among the main supporters of the Zionist idea were the Rothschild barons, who had long been integrated into the pragmatic and secular capitalist economy.

In the twentieth century, Israel was built according to quite realistic rules and used modern methods – ethnic cleansing, military operations, land grabbing, and large-scale PR campaigns. So in 1950, Israel proclaimed the capital Jerusalem, half of which at that time was still under the rule of the Palestinian Arabs, and during the Six-Day War established control over both West Jerusalem and East.

The secular and forceful side of the occupation of Palestine was completed, the world community was imbued with compassion for the fate of the Jews under Hitler, which provided them with world support, and the only thing left was to restore the Third Temple and meet the Messiah. Extreme religious movements in Judaism – such as the Faithful to the Temple – are already preparing for this, digging underground structures under the Temple Mount, pushing Muslim Arabs out of their shrine – the Al-Aqsa Mosque. However, the messiah still hesitates. One of the currents of Judaism, Neturei Karta, believes that this time the arrival of the Messiah is delayed by the Jews themselves – the Zionists, who boldly and ambitiously decided to implement themselves what only a special chosen being can do.

In the eyes of Christians, the fall of Jerusalem was irreversible. And therefore, everything connected with modern Israel and preparations for the construction of the Third Temple in parallel with the ongoing repression against the non-Jewish Arabs of Palestine – Muslims and Christians, looks like signs of the approaching arrival of the Antichrist.

These are the amazing dates in the August calendar …

By Alexander Dugin
Source: Katehon

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