Spicing Up Your Hormones Without Hormone Replacement

Spicing Up Your Hormones Without Hormone Replacement

One of the insurmountable problems with hormone replacement therapy is that when you replace a hormone you risk feeding the underlying glandular deficiency. In the exuberance associated with the idea of overcoming age-associated declines in sexual, cognitive, skeletal, cardiovascular, etc. function, with both synthetic and bioidentical hormones, the hormone replacement advocates have often neglected to…

15 Side Effects and Benefits of Chia Seeds

15 Side Effects and Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are undoubtedly one of today’s most popular superfoods among the health conscious. They’re an easy-to-digest source of protein, healthy fats, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants which makes for a versatile (and mildly flavored) ingredient that can be quickly incorporated into a wide variety of recipes. They’re especially useful for making a gel…

What’s Wrong with Modern Wheat?

What’s Wrong with Modern Wheat?

Considering the high rate of wheat consumption, one wouldn’t suspect that the wheat industry has created a massive problem. Yet, looking at the facts surrounding this industry and this food source will give you pause. The documentary What’s With Wheat examines the dynamics that shaped modern wheat and the business around it. It offers insights…

Is Fermented Blueberry the Most Powerful Tonic?

Is Fermented Blueberry the Most Powerful Tonic?

Story at-a-glance Blueberry vinegar was proven to help reduce the breakdown of acetylcholine in mice brains, while increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor, leading researchers to believe fermented blueberries may have health benefits for people with dementia Studies validate fermented blueberry drinks to be effective in preventing diabetes and obesity in mice predisposed to those conditions, reducing…