How Mangos Promote Gut Health

How Mangos Promote Gut Health

Next time you suffer from constipation, you may want to consider grabbing a mango instead of reaching for a fiber supplement, suggests a new Texas A & M University pilot study published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Mangoes may very well be the king of all fruits. They fight cancer, alkalize the…

Roundup Herbicide: A Kidney-Killer?

Roundup Herbicide: A Kidney-Killer?

An observational study confirms the hypothesis that Roundup herbicide (glyphosate) is behind the mysterious global epidemic of chronic kidney disease that has taken thousands of lives.  Back in early 2014, in an article titled “Roundup Weedkiller Linked To Global Epidemic of Fatal Kidney Disease,” we first reported on a paper proposing a causal link between exposure…

Are You Ready for the New Wave of Genetically Engineered Foods?

Are You Ready for the New Wave of Genetically Engineered Foods?

Everyone loves a feel-good story about the future. You’ve probably heard this one: high-tech foods enhanced by science will feed the 9 billion people expected on the planet by 2050. Food made in labs and crops and animals genetically engineered to grow faster and better will make it possible to feed the crowded world, according…