Oil Wars and the Unsolved Death of America’s Man in the Middle East

Oil Wars and the Unsolved Death of America’s Man in the Middle East

On 24 March 1947, a US C-47 military transport plane that was en route from Jeddah to Addis Ababa via Asmara crashed into mountains north of the Ethiopian capital, killing six Americans on board, including the US petroleum attache, and the Beirut-based cultural attache, Daniel Dennett.  Seventy years later, Daniel Dennett’s daughter Charlotte is still trying to…

On Jews and Plagues – Adventures in Jewish Historiography

On Jews and Plagues – Adventures in Jewish Historiography

“The libel that Jews were continually plotting to poison the world had particularly tragic results during the Black Death of 1348–49.Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism[1] “There is no direct link between the massacres and the plague.”Iris Ritzmann, “The Black Death as a cause of the massacres of Jews:…

Karl Marx and Jewish Power

Karl Marx and Jewish Power

In a recent article, I explored the influence of Freud’s Jewishness on the formation, reception and propagation of his psychoanalytical theory. I wish now to do the same for Karl Marx (1818-1883). In contrast to Freud’s, Marx’s Jewishness is seldom considered an important factor. If you type “Freud Jewish” as key-words on Amazon.com, you will…

The Coup in Chile

The Coup in Chile

What happened in Chile on September 11, 1973 did not suddenly reveal anything new about the ways in which men of power and privilege seek to protect their social order: the history of the last 150 years is spattered with such episodes. Even so, Chile has at least forced upon many people on the Left…

The Forgotten Judeo-Muslim-Christian Alliance and China’s Silk Road

The Forgotten Judeo-Muslim-Christian Alliance and China’s Silk Road

Last week’s messy announcement of the US-Israeli Peace Plan for the Middle East was always destined to fail. The proposed Palestinian borders, although territorially enlarged, are entirely patchy and un-workable, as are the military concessions demanded by Israel. Ultimately a two state solution is still the only viable option for peace, but something more is…