“The American Love Affair with the Automobile”: The Unspoken History of the Electric Car

“The American Love Affair with the Automobile”: The Unspoken History of the Electric Car

A study of gasoline-powered automobiles reveals one of the greatest corporate frauds and resulting environmental disasters to ever have been inflicted on human society. There are three distinct but interwoven themes in this story: the promotion of gasoline-powered transportation by (a) the killing of mass public transit, (b) the genocide of electric vehicles, and (c)…

A New Year’s Fantasy

A New Year’s Fantasy

History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind– Edward Gibbon Counterfactual history is generally a waste of time because, in the end, it’s just speculation. But it’s fun and it can sometimes illuminate factual history. For example, take the aborted Soviet-French-British alliance to stop Hitler. It came…

From Colluding With Hitler Against the USSR to an Anti-Hitler Coalition

From Colluding With Hitler Against the USSR to an Anti-Hitler Coalition

“That the Russian armies should stand on this line was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia” On the eve of the Second World War, 21 August 1939, Soviet–Anglo–Franco negotiations in Moscow on a military convention were cut short due to the unwillingness of London (then Paris, following in its wake) “to enter into any…