A member of the Sudanese air force walks past jets during a joint Sudanese-Saudi drill in Sudan earlier this month (AFP)

Saudis Hire World’s Biggest PR Firm to Push ‘Muslim Nato’

An international public relations firm is facing accusations of complicity in “whitewashing” alleged Saudi Arabian war crimes in Yemen after signing a deal to represent a Riyadh-dominated military alliance dubbed the “Muslim Nato”. Middle East Eye understands that Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman hired Burson-Marsteller last month to wage a charm offensive on…

The Tall Israeli Who Runs Hip Hop: An Investigation into Engineered Culture and Bankers

The Tall Israeli Who Runs Hip Hop: An Investigation into Engineered Culture and Bankers

“Old white men is runnin this rap shit, Corporate force is runnin this rap shit, a tall Israeli is runnin this rap shit, Quasi-homosexuals is runnin this rap shit” – Lyrics to the song “The Rape Over” by Mos Def, a reference to record label mogul Lyor Cohen. When we look around at people, and…