Boy Skirts of America: Century-Old Youth Club Caves to PC Police

Boy Skirts of America: Century-Old Youth Club Caves to PC Police

The oldest youth group in the US has undergone a ‘sex-change’ operation of sorts by declaring itself a ‘gender neutral’ outfit. Such a move does a considerable disservice to both American men and women. Founded in 1910 by the American media magnate and explorer William D. Boyce, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provided a…

As US Military Effectiveness and Diplomatic Efforts Fade into Irrelevance Many Countries Start Ignoring Washington

As US Military Effectiveness and Diplomatic Efforts Fade into Irrelevance Many Countries Start Ignoring Washington

Diplomatic work continues in some of the areas with the highest geopolitical tensions in the world. In recent days there have been high-level meetings and contacts between Turkey, Iran and Russia over the situation in Syria; meetings between Modi and Xi Jinping to ease tensions between India and China; and finally, the historic meeting between Moon Jae-in…