The Empire Won’t Be Brought Down by China or Russia. It Will Be Done in by Its Debt

The Empire Won’t Be Brought Down by China or Russia. It Will Be Done in by Its Debt

What looked possible some years ago have with recent economic policy decisions turned into a realistic scenario: the United States face a technical default. The figures and forecasts published by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) leave little doubt. Currently, net interest burden accounts for 1.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) equal to 9.4 percent…

Union of South American Nations (Unasur) is Unravelling and It’s All the US’ Fault

Union of South American Nations (Unasur) is Unravelling and It’s All the US’ Fault

Half of Unasur’s members suspended their participation in the South American bloc. The American-friendly governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru coordinated their move just days after Bolivia assumed the rotating presidency of the organization, justifying their decision on the alleged basis that the landlocked country hasn’t provided any real sense of leadership…

Europe’s Invisible War – The Civil War in Ukraine

Europe’s Invisible War – The Civil War in Ukraine

The Maidan coup in February 2014, carefully planned and orchestrated by American imperialism in cahoots with its Neo-Nazi stooges, set in motion a myriad of centrifugal forces that have been tearing the country apart. A cursory look at Europe’s mainstream press would reveal that the current civil war in Ukraine is the continent’s invisible war….

De-Briefing Academics: Unpaid Intelligence Informants

De-Briefing Academics: Unpaid Intelligence Informants

Introduction Over the past half-century, I have been engaged in research, lectured and worked with social movements and leftist governments in Latin America. I interviewed US officials and think tanks in Washington and New York. I have written scores of books, hundreds of professional articles and presented numerous papers at professional meetings. In the course,…