Here’s Why Allowing Saudi Women to Drive is Very Dangerous

Here’s Why Allowing Saudi Women to Drive is Very Dangerous

The move risks provoking the already distraught Wahhabi clergy who fear that the monarchy is breaking its old alliance with them by sidelining the Kingdom’s most conservative religious gatekeepers in its quest for socio-economic modernization. Hardcore Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia have warned for generations that allowing women to drive would be a very dangerous development…

Catalonian Independence and the Ghosts of the Spanish Civil War

Catalonian Independence and the Ghosts of the Spanish Civil War

Arriving in Barcelona in 1938 during the Spanish Civil War, Ernst Toller wrote, “The most striking experience a foreigner has in Barcelona is that of the functioning of democracy.” In 2017 something akin to history repeating is unfolding in the Catalonian capital, where democracy has again been raised aloft as a cause worth fighting for….

The Kurdish Independence Referendum was a Political Miscalculation

The Kurdish Independence Referendum was a Political Miscalculation

The Iraqi government has banned international flights to the Kurdish capital Irbil from 6pm this Friday, isolating the Kurds in Iraq to a degree they have not experienced since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003. The isolation is political as well as geographical as traditional Kurdish allies, like the US, UK, France and Germany,…

What Did Washington Achieve in its Six Year War on Syria?

What Did Washington Achieve in its Six Year War on Syria?

Now that the defeat of ISIS in Syria appears imminent, with the Syrian army clearing out some of the last ISIS strongholds in the east, Washington’s interventionists are searching for new excuses to maintain the illegal US military presence in the country. Their original rationale for intervention has long been exposed as another lie. Remember…