Are You Ready to Die?

Are You Ready to Die?

Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept exposes the fake news put out by the US Department of Homeland Security (an euphemistic name for a Big Brother operation that spies on US citizens) that Russia hacked 21 US state elections, news that was instantly spread around the world by the presstitute media. The propagandists running Homeland Security…

Who’s Really Trying to Overthrow Mohammed Bin Salman?

Who’s Really Trying to Overthrow Mohammed Bin Salman?

Saudi Arabia arrested between 16-30 people in a broad crackdown across the Kingdom. According to reports, this is different than the many other times that it happened because the latest incident includes a wide variety of seemingly disparate individuals such as clerics, a journalist, and even a prince, and comes amid a flurry of speculation…

The Vietnam Nightmare – Again

The Vietnam Nightmare – Again

Much of America, including yours truly, has been watching the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series, ‘Vietnam.’ Instead of clarifying that confusing conflict, the series has ignited fiery controversy and a lot of long-repressed anger by soft-soaping Washington’s motives. This march to folly in Vietnam is particularly painful for me since I enlisted in the US…

The Insidious ISIS-US Relationship. The West is Terrorizing and Destroying Countries

The Insidious ISIS-US Relationship. The West is Terrorizing and Destroying Countries

SIS/Daesh have always been place-setters[1] for the U.S Empire and its Coalition of regime-change criminal cohorts. Once Daesh is installed in an area, the area is destroyed and depopulated. Syrians flee from terrorist-held areas, to government -secured areas. Now that the Syrian government and its allies are winning the just war against Western backed, sustained,…

Afghan Children As Young As 14 Recruited by Iran to Fight in Syria, Says HRW

Afghan Children As Young As 14 Recruited by Iran to Fight in Syria, Says HRW

Afghan children as young as 14 are being recruited to fight in the war in Syria by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, according to a report by Human Rights Watch. The rights group says that the IRGC has recruited Afghan immigrant children living in Iran to fight inside Syria. Many of the children who were recruited…