Does the US Have Answer for Turkish Threats Against Syrian Kurds?

Does the US Have Answer for Turkish Threats Against Syrian Kurds?

Turkish military actions against US-allied Syrian Kurdish forces could threaten to upend plans for unseating the Islamic State (IS) in Raqqa, Syria, and for what comes next. “Though pointing to Idlib as the next destination,” Fehim Tastekin reports, “Turkey’s field operations signal double objectives. First, Turkey wants its own troops in the de-conflicting, or ‘safe,’ zones determined during peace…

Russia, China and Pakistan Will Have to Clean up the US-Created Mess in Afghanistan

Russia, China and Pakistan Will Have to Clean up the US-Created Mess in Afghanistan

Washington is downsizing its diplomatic efforts in Afghanistan. The US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan had his last day in office on June 23 amid speculation that Washington plans to eliminate the post of Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan – commonly known as SRAP. This post was created during the tenure of President Obama with…

India’s China-Phobia Might Lead to Strategic Myopia

India’s China-Phobia Might Lead to Strategic Myopia

Concerns over a rising China have, to some extent, spiraled into a kind of “strategic anxiety” regarding the country among some Indian politicians. Their misleading, unfounded “China-phobia,” however, might lead to strategic myopia and hurt India’s own interests. Harboring suspicion and apprehension toward China’s intention, India has recently decided to stay away from the China-proposed…

Media’s Propaganda War on Syria in Full Flow

Media’s Propaganda War on Syria in Full Flow

If you wish to understand the degree to which a supposedly free western media are constructing a world of half-truths and deceptions to manipulate their audiences, keeping us uninformed and docile, then there could hardly be a better case study than their treatment of Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh. All of these highly competitive,…

Pursuing Hard Truths in Syria

Pursuing Hard Truths in Syria

On the night of June 26, the White House Press Secretary released a statement, via Twitter, that, “the United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children.” The tweet went on to declare that, “the activities…

Trump Plays Nostradamus with Wild Syrian Chemical Weapon Prediction

Trump Plays Nostradamus with Wild Syrian Chemical Weapon Prediction

The White House has accused the Syrian government of ‘possibly planning’ to use chemical weapons, a wholly unsubstantiated claim that will more than likely prompt Syrian rebels to devise a false flag event that the US will blame on President Bashar Assad. For those who have been following the white-knuckle ride known as the Syrian…