The Assault of Raqqa is Drown in Blood

The Assault of Raqqa is Drown in Blood

The battle for Raqqa begins to resemble strongly Mosul operation despite the victorious statements of the U.S. CENTCOM and the Kurdish leadership, who daily release official briefings on their successes. Tactics of ISIS The militants of ISIS are confronting forces of coalition with increased ferocity. Terrorists carry out counterattacks, send suicide bombers in cars. ISIS-snipers…

Hired Gun: Is War with Iran Now Inevitable Under New Saudi Crown Prince?

Hired Gun: Is War with Iran Now Inevitable Under New Saudi Crown Prince?

Israel and Washington seem to have been instrumental in the rise of Riyadh’s new leader, a hot-headed young royal who leaves a trail of havoc behind him. But can they control him? In the hilarious novel by Christopher Buckley, ‘Thank you for smoking,’ the central character, Nick Naylor, works for Big Tobacco as a chief spokesman….

Saudi Hijinks, US Policy Stinks

Saudi Hijinks, US Policy Stinks

The whimsical Saudi rulers are playing musical chairs again, with the king’s favorite son jumping the succession queue in what some observers have called a “soft coup” to become heir to the oil kingdom throne. The medieval-like House of Saud has always been a lynchpin in US foreign policy for the Middle East. More so under President Donald Trump…

President Rodrigo Duterte, talks to troopers during his visit in Jolo, Sulu province, Mindanao, southern Philippines. (Presidential Communications Operations Office)

A U.S.-Led Military Coup could be Brewing in the Philippines to Oust Duterte

In late May, the Philippines became the first nation in Asia to have one of its cities fall to the terror group Daesh (ISIS) and its affiliates. The southern city of Marawi was overtaken by hundreds of gunmen who took control of multiple landmarks and the majority of the city’s residential areas. In response, President…