The British and U.S. Governments Installed Khomeini into Power in 1979

The British and U.S. Governments Installed Khomeini into Power in 1979

“It is easier to mislead many men than one.” – Herodotus. (As quoted in F.E. Adcock’s 1963 book, ‘Thucydides And His History,’ on pg. 51. Cambridge University Press: London). “Reality is created by language. But, we don’t realize how true this is, that reality really is created by language, and that we are all imprisoned…

Russia and Islam, Connecting the Dots and Discerning the Future

Russia and Islam, Connecting the Dots and Discerning the Future

Russia has often been in the news over the past years, mostly as the demonized “Empire of Mordor” responsible for all the bad things on the planet, especially Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, the Russian intervention in Syria and, of course, the “imminent” Russian invasion of the Baltics, Poland or even all of Western Europe….

A Line in the Steppes: NATO Meets an Expanded SCO

A Line in the Steppes: NATO Meets an Expanded SCO

While NATO leaders were congratulating themselves on the accession of petite Montenegro into the military pact, NATO’s counter-balancing force to the east was welcoming as full members India and Pakistan. While Montenegro’s flag was being raised at NATO headquarters in Brussels, the flags of the world’s most populous democracy and the third-most populous Muslim nation…