The West Argues that Muslims Represent a Major Threat, Or Do They?

The West Argues that Muslims Represent a Major Threat, Or Do They?

Upon witnessing what looks like an unending stream of terrorist attacks in Europe that was preceded by a major influx of refugees attempting to escape war and destruction that the West created across the Middle East and North Africa, it’s safe to say that Islamophobia is here to stay, at least among political circles in the…

Palestinian children at home reading books by candle light due to electricity shortages in Gaza City on 13 June (AFP)

A Long Hot Summer: Amid Qatar Crisis, Gaza Hit by Power Cuts, Feels Shadow of War

Mohammed Sallam is one of 700 patients in Gaza who suffer from renal failure. The 45-year-old has to go to the hospital three times a week to receive dialysis. Last week, Sallam went to Al-Shifa hospital only for doctors to tell him that his treatment would be irregular due to more than 20 hours of…

Trump’s Qatar Crisis

Trump’s Qatar Crisis

Tiny Qatar, the mouse that roared, has now managed to enrage the larger part of the Arab world and defy the newly-minted Mideast expert, Donald Trump. This month, an angry alliance of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, with some background support from the puppet regimes of war-torn Libya and Yemen, declared…