St. Johannes Church, home to Ibn Ruschd-Goethe mosque. © Bodo Kubrak / Wikipedia

BERLIN: “Liberal Mosque” is an Insult to Islam and Christianity Alike

Religion is not about watering-down faith nor distorting scripture, it is about a relationship with God that many liberals insult and defame. A self-described feminist and lawyer of Turkish background called Seyran Ates has opened up what she calls a “liberal mosque” in Berlin. It is housed inside a Protestant church and she calls the so-called…

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz (R), Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef (C) and deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrive for the opening session of the Shura Council in Riyadh in December 2016 (AFP/Saudi Royal Palace)

Salman vs Nayef: Rumours and Ramblings in Saudi’s Game of Thrones

Mohammed bin Salman’s sudden and unexpected rise to eminence under his father’s umbrella is still intriguing many observers inside and outside Saudi Arabia, with rumours circulating that he is plotting to jump the queue to kingship and oust his cousin, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, with the approval of King Salman. When he became king…

Israel’s Quiet Campaign to Gain a Foothold in Southern Syria

Israel’s Quiet Campaign to Gain a Foothold in Southern Syria

Despite its official policy of non-intervention, Israel has taken on a very proactive role in Syria, working to establish an Israel-friendly zone in Quneitra, akin to its strategy in southern Lebanon during the Lebanese civil war. Over the past five years, Israel has been quietly working to establish a foothold in southern Syria to prevent…

Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty

Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty

Indonesia and Malaysia, and other countries with sizeable Muslim minorities, like the Philippines, realize just how vulnerable they are. They have been on high alert for fighters returning home from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) front lines in Syria and Iraq. The group has made known its ambition to create Southeast Asian provinces…

Syria, Iran and North Korea: Will Trump Attempt to Finish the Neocon Hitlist?

Syria, Iran and North Korea: Will Trump Attempt to Finish the Neocon Hitlist?

In Donald Trump’s short time in office, he has already shown his propensity to use military force. From dropping the largestnon-nuclear bomb ever used on Afghanistan, to launching 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Iraq (oh wait, Syria), there is no doubt that the Trump administration has a prominent militaristic streak.  But is this just for…