The Disuniting of America Is Now Inevitable Under Joe Biden and the Radical Left

The Disuniting of America Is Now Inevitable Under Joe Biden and the Radical Left

Joe Biden will ram through warped liberal social experiments masquerading as credible, time-tested programs designed to stabilize the nation. It was a stark image never before seen in Washington, DC, and one that bodes ill for the future prospects of the country. A locked down capital ringed in barbed wire, with 25,000 troops encompassing the…

US Targets China over Tibet

US Targets China over Tibet

The US Congress has recently passed the so-called Tibetan Policy and Support Act (TPSA) – slipped into a COVID-19 relief package and a 1.4 trillion dollar government spending bill, US State Department-funded Voice of America reported in their article, “US Congress Passes Landmark Bill in Support of Tibet.” The article would claim: The US Congress…

Landowning Globalists

Landowning Globalists

Forbes recently published an article stating that, in addition to his main assets, Bill Gates is also a major landowner. It says that, after years of reports he was buying agricultural land in places like Florida and Washington, The Land Report, which focuses on private landholdings, has revealed that Gates, who has a net worth of nearly…

China: Enemy Du Jour? But Why?

China: Enemy Du Jour? But Why?

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States has not faced an existential threat—nothing to justify the trillions of dollars given to the Pentagon to maintain military predominance over the entire global community.  The United States requires a foil for its foreign policy declarations and for maintaining the allegiance of the…