Hubble Spots Pitch-Black Exoplanet So Hot It ‘Eats Light’ from Nearby Star

Hubble Spots Pitch-Black Exoplanet So Hot It ‘Eats Light’ from Nearby Star

Scientists studying the exoplanet WASP-12b have made a startling discovery: the planet is so hot it reflects almost no light, making it appear pitch-black. An international team of astronomers from McGill University, Canada and the University of Exeter, UK measured how much light is reflected by the exoplanet, otherwise known as its ‘albedo,’ in order…

Solar Enigma: Sun Displays Record High Activity When It Should Be at Its Lowest

Solar Enigma: Sun Displays Record High Activity When It Should Be at Its Lowest

The sun has exhibited strangely high levels of solar flare activity over the last few days as it reaches its solar minimum, the period in which the sun’s flare activity should be at its lowest. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has noticed flare after powerful flare in the last week, including one on September 6 that was the most…

To Teach Kids Morals, Read Books With Humans Not Animals

To Teach Kids Morals, Read Books With Humans Not Animals

Anthropomorphic, or human-like, animals are often the protagonists of children’s books. But new research suggests parents who want their kids to pick up on a story’s moral lessons should choose books featuring humans, not animals. Researchers in Canada found four to six-year-olds were more likely to share with their peers after being read a story…