Brazil Is About to Become An “Unofficial” NATO Member

Brazil Is About to Become An “Unofficial” NATO Member

The Brazilian government on Friday made an announcement on its so-called Defense legal base, a set of documents comprised of the National Defense Policy, National Defense Strategy and White Paper on National Defense. Every four years Brazil’s Congress must approve the three documents. These documents contain the guidelines for the Defense of Brazil and due to…

Cold War Escapades in the Pacific

Cold War Escapades in the Pacific

First came the Defense Department’s formal request to Congress for a $20 billion check to upgrade its presence across the Pacific. That was last March. A month later the U.S. Navy sent three warships (and ever-faithful Australia one) to the waters off Malaysia because an unarmed Chinese vessel was conducting routine seismic surveys in an area thought to contain…

US Targets Thailand with Attempted “Color Revolution”

US Targets Thailand with Attempted “Color Revolution”

US seeks to disrupt growing Thai-Chinese relations. US-funded protesters seek to remove elected government and rewrite constitution, or at the very least, cause Hong Kong-style chaos. *** The Western media is claiming “pro-democracy” protests are taking place in Thailand. English-language paper Bangkok Post in their article, “Hundreds rally for democracy,” would claim: Several hundred people…

Towards a “New Cold War” in the Middle East: Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf and the Battle for Oil and Gas

Towards a “New Cold War” in the Middle East: Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf and the Battle for Oil and Gas

The foundations of the great Near East were established in the Pact of Quincey (1945) following the doctrine of the Franco-British Sykes-Picot agreements of 1916 that favored the regional division of power in areas of influence and sustained on the tripod US-Egypt- Saudi Arabia. This doctrine consisted in the endemic survival in Egypt of pro-western autocratic military…

Britain’s Post-Brexit Eurasian Balancing Strategy Is Bunk

Britain’s Post-Brexit Eurasian Balancing Strategy Is Bunk

The UK is trying to position itself as the “balancing” partner of choice for countries that are indoctrinated into believing the US’ information warfare narrative of Eurasian-wide Chinese and Russian threats to their sovereignty, but this strategy is bunk because it’s basically just a rebranding of Britain’s new position as America’s “junior partner” across the…

Is America’s Second Corona Wave a Political Hoax?

Is America’s Second Corona Wave a Political Hoax?

For several weeks, just as most states across the United States began to reopen, following three months of lockdown to “flatten the curve”, several states including Texas and Florida began reporting record new numbers who tested positive for the coronavirus. At least that is what the world is being told. More careful investigation suggests what…