Geopolitical Ramifications of the “Cloak and Dagger” Operation in Iraq

Geopolitical Ramifications of the “Cloak and Dagger” Operation in Iraq

The murder of the renowned Iranian General Kassem Suleimani, who was in command of Iran’s special operations unit known as the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, has effectively become the talk of the week, provoking an unprecedented amount of remarks and comments across the media. Now, let’s examine this situation from a purely military standpoint. A…

The Endless War with Iran

The Endless War with Iran

The United States has been in a 40-year cold war with Iran. Just like the cold war with the Soviet Union, the conflict between Washington and Tehran has been fought largely through proxies: in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq. Iranian-aligned organizations like Hezbollah have attacked U.S. targets, such as the 1984 embassy bombing in Beirut….

The Afghanistan Papers Are a Case Study in Colonial Propaganda

The Afghanistan Papers Are a Case Study in Colonial Propaganda

In an earlier article (, 12/18/19) regarding the Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers (12/9/19), I discussed how the Post’s exposé also exposed the Post as one of the primary vehicles US officials use to spread their lies, and why it’s impossible for corporate media outlets like the Post to raise more substantive questions about the deceptive nature of US foreign policy. But those…

The Decline of Democracy in the 21st Century

The Decline of Democracy in the 21st Century

“In general, unfortunately, the qualifications required to gain power and keep it have almost no connection with those required to govern with competence and impartiality.” – Jean-François Revel (1924-2006), French author and philosopher. (In ‘Ni Marx ni Jésus’, 1970, p. 68). “The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the…