How Pompeo’s Settlements Bombshell Paves the Way for Israel’s Annexation of All Palestine

How Pompeo’s Settlements Bombshell Paves the Way for Israel’s Annexation of All Palestine

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has hit another home run in the pro-Israel baseball derby.  On Tuesday, he renounced a 50-year-old US policy that Israeli settlements were contrary to international law and an impediment to a two-state solution. As recently as 2016, the administration of Barack Obama permitted passage of a UN Security Council resolution condemning…

The Tectonics of West-East Geopolitical Friction Revealed

The Tectonics of West-East Geopolitical Friction Revealed

The US Geological Service was alarmed the other day by a seismic disturbance that scientists could not identify. After deep research, geologists finally determined that the strange geophysical disturbance was from the legendary philanthropist Andrew Carnegie spinning like a turbine in his grave. Analysts claim the Earth atop the famous steel magnate’s grave in Sleepy Hollow…

25 Times Trump Has Been Dangerously Hawkish on Russia

25 Times Trump Has Been Dangerously Hawkish on Russia

CNN has published a fascinatingly manipulative and falsehood-laden article titled “25 times Trump was soft on Russia,” in which a lot of strained effort is poured into building the case that the U.S. president is suspiciously loyal to the nation against which he has spent his administration escalating dangerous new cold war aggressions. The items…

Federal Reserve: Enemy of Liberty and Prosperity

Federal Reserve: Enemy of Liberty and Prosperity

Lost in the media’s obsession with the impeachment circus last week was Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s testimony on the state of the economy before the Joint Economic Committee. In his testimony, Chairman Powell warned that when the next recession inevitably occurs, the US Government’s over $23 trillion debt would prevent Congress from increasing spending…