The Growing Legend of Unit 29155: Putin’s Goofball Supermen

The Growing Legend of Unit 29155: Putin’s Goofball Supermen

US Army Brig. General Peter Zwack (Ret.) thinks the Russians are “organically ruthless.” Michael Schwirtz of the New York Times agrees with the former military attache to Moscow. A Russophobic story by the reporter reads like the latest Jason Bourne spy thriller. Unfortunately, the Russian ruthlessness case falls to pieces under scrutiny. What you are…

Oil, Military And Nuclear Tech: Russia’s Influence in Africa

Oil, Military And Nuclear Tech: Russia’s Influence in Africa

Virtually all great powers have set their eyes on Africa as the continent’s global importance grows. Its population is set to double by 2050 and its economy is expected to expand significantly alongside its energy consumption. It is these projections that have driven Russia to invest heavily in strong relations in the region for when…

The Art of the Back-Pedal

The Art of the Back-Pedal

It is a hallmark of right-wing populists to make a preposterous policy and then be forced — by opposition, by circumstance, by the laws of physics — to retreat.  Three very recent examples involve Donald Trump, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The backpedaling might look very similar in all…

Bangladesh’s Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking

Bangladesh’s Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking

The nationwide outrage that erupted following the mob lynching of a student who criticized his Indian-backed government’s recent lopsided deals with New Delhi earlier this month and the Bangladeshi military killing a member of the Indian “Border Security Force” in self-defense last week suggest that Bangladesh’s neo-colonial bondage to India is at risk of breaking,…

The Sultan Blinked, the Tsar Turned a Blind Eye – the Ottoman Empire Expands by 118 Kilometres of Syria

The Sultan Blinked, the Tsar Turned a Blind Eye – the Ottoman Empire Expands by 118 Kilometres of Syria

After one of the longest, bitterest negotiations ever held between President Vladimir Putin and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russia’s Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov forced the Turks into an agreement for a Turkish military enclave inside Syrian territory between Tal Abiad and Ras Al-Ain (Sari Kani). That is less than one-quarter…