Geopolitical Realism Utilized by Obama and Trump

Geopolitical Realism Utilized by Obama and Trump

Donald Trump’s stance towards the Turkish intervention in northern Syria has some (stress some) resemblance to his predecessor Barack Obama’s position on Ukraine. Obama like Trump, saw a reasoned basis for limiting US military involvement in Syria. In the background, is a degree of bipartisan (Republican and Democrat) opposition to this foreign policy approach. Within…

Media and Politicians Didn’t Care About Chaos the US Caused in Syria for Years, But Now That Trump can be Blamed, They’re Outraged

Media and Politicians Didn’t Care About Chaos the US Caused in Syria for Years, But Now That Trump can be Blamed, They’re Outraged

Mainstream US media has been the biggest cheerleader for Washington’s chaos production in Syria for years, but now, as Donald Trump pulls troops out of the northeast, they’re suddenly outraged. Spare us the crocodile tears. Yet, while he and others cloak their demands for continued US military action in humanitarian concern for the Kurds in…

How Democracy Made Us Dumb

How Democracy Made Us Dumb

From the riffs of outrage coming from the Democrats and their demos over “our democracy” betrayed, infiltrated even destroyed—you’d never know that a rich vein of thinking in opposition to democracy runs through Western intellectual thought, and that those familiar with it would be tempted to say “good riddance.” Voicing opposition to democracy is just…