Belarus Is Between a Rock and a Hard Place. “Balance” its Relations between Russia and the US

Belarus Is Between a Rock and a Hard Place. “Balance” its Relations between Russia and the US

Belarus is in the unenviable position of being caught in the middle of the New Cold War and having to delicately “balance” relations between Russia and the US. US National Security Advisor Bolton’s trip late last month to Belarus was the highest official visit by an American dignitary in decades and caught many observers off…

I Feel Sorry For President Trump

I Feel Sorry For President Trump

Yes, I know. I am lining up on the wrong side. You are supposed to hate him. The presstitutes hate Trump. So does the Democratic Party, part of the Republican Party, the military/security complex, the entirety of the liberal/progressive/left, the universities, feminists, and Washington’s vassal states. No one likes him but the “racist, white supremacist…

Southeast Asia Ignores US War on Huawei

Southeast Asia Ignores US War on Huawei

The Western media has begun complaining about Southeast Asia’s collective decision to move forward with 5G network technology from Chinese telecom giant Huawei despite US demands that nations ban all Huawei products. These demands are predicated on clearly fabricated security threats surrounding Huawei technology. The US itself is a global leader of producing hardware with hidden backdoors…

Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History

Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History

The incredibly shrinking Henry Kissinger is known for many things, but a revolutionary is not one of them. Over the years of service to the empire, the career geopolitician has been consistent in his unfailing commitment to 1) destroy the Westphalian system of sovereign nation states, 2) promote population control across the developing sector, 3)…

Russia’s Asian Pivot: The Vladivostok-Chennai Maritime Corridor

Russia’s Asian Pivot: The Vladivostok-Chennai Maritime Corridor

Credible reports have been circulating that this year’s Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok will see the formalization of the Vladivostok-Chennai Maritime Corridor between the Russian Far East and India, which would be the key to comprehensively diversifying Russia’s “Pivot to Asia” and “balancing” China. “Rusi-Hindi Bhai Bhai” (“Russians and Indians are brothers”), the Soviet-era slogan…