You Can Be an Anti-Imperialist, Support African-Americans, and Also Oppose Terrorism

You Can Be an Anti-Imperialist, Support African-Americans, and Also Oppose Terrorism

The false narrative that’s being propagated in the Alt-Media Community alleging that opposition to Antifa’s nationwide spree of urban terrorism disqualifies one from being an anti-imperialist and supporter of African-Americans deserves to be directly debunked because it amounts to nothing more than an attempt to trick people into accepting the selective “normalization” of terrorist means…

The Alt-Media Community Betrayed Average Americans by Supporting Antifa Terrorism

The Alt-Media Community Betrayed Average Americans by Supporting Antifa Terrorism

The Alt-Media Community betrayed the average Americans that sympathized with it by supporting Antifa’s spree of urban terrorism across the country over the past week, revealing that many of its “influencers’” seemingly principled stance of opposing terrorism in all of its manifestations abroad was emotional manipulation driven solely by ideological considerations against American foreign policy,…

A New Narrative Control Firm Works to Destroy Alternative Media

A New Narrative Control Firm Works to Destroy Alternative Media

The frenzied, hysterical Russia narrative being promoted day in and day out by western mass media has had two of its major stories ripped to shreds in the last three days. A report seeded throughout the mainstream media by anonymous intelligence officials back in September claimed that US government workers in Cuba had suffered concussion-like…

Alt-Media Silent as “Israel” Admits to 200+ Strikes in Syria

Alt-Media Silent as “Israel” Admits to 200+ Strikes in Syria

The typically outspoken Alt-Media Community, usually never short of people willing to condemn “Israel”, is remarkably silent after the Zionists broke several “politically correct” taboos by admitting that they struck Syria over 200 times in the past 18 months. “Israel” broke with its long-running tradition of neither confirming nor denying its suspected military activities abroad…