The 3 Trigger Terms Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking

The 3 Trigger Terms Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking

It’s a strange world of newspeak we live in. What was once a society devoted to logic and progress is now being herded into echo chambers of thought control and anti-critical thinking. Without the ability to examine an issue impartially and completely there is little hope of maintaining liberty and freedom, as history repeatedly demonstrated….

It’s Not a ‘Defense’ of Alex Jones to Argue That We’re On a Slippery Slope of Internet Censorship

It’s Not a ‘Defense’ of Alex Jones to Argue That We’re On a Slippery Slope of Internet Censorship

The celebration on the Left at the quick-fire purge of Alex Jones and InfoWars from social media has been disturbing — not because Jones’ views deserve to be defended, but because his banning is a warning shot against dissent. It’s important to note at the outset that I have no love for Jones whatsoever —…

President Putin Is Syria’s Savior, But Don’t Go “Worshipping” Him!

President Putin Is Syria’s Savior, But Don’t Go “Worshipping” Him!

President Putin’s decision to military involve his country in the anti-terrorist struggle in Syria saved the Arab Republic from its assured destruction irrespective of the criticisms that can be levelled against it throughout the course of this campaign, but sincere appreciation for the Russian leader’s decision (especially from foreigners) shouldn’t ever go overboard into the…

Victory Day 2018 Forever Changed How Alt-Media Views Russia and Israel

Victory Day 2018 Forever Changed How Alt-Media Views Russia and Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attendance at Victory Day 2018 as President Putin’s guest of honor, the day-long meeting that they had, and then Israel’s bombing of Iranian positions in Syria later that same night forever changed how the Alt-Media Community views the Russian-Israeli relationship. Up until this Wednesday’s 2018 Victory Day event in Moscow,…

Desperate MSM Smears Won’t Stop Syria’s Effective Alt-Media Activists

Desperate MSM Smears Won’t Stop Syria’s Effective Alt-Media Activists

The people in control of several Western publications have evidently been triggered by the astounding success that citizen journalists have had in debunking the Douma chemical weapons false flag narrative and have thus decided to lash out at them through defamatory innuendo and even in some cases alleging that they’re not even human beings but…

How Facebook, Etc., Suppress Key Truths

How Facebook, Etc., Suppress Key Truths

On April 23rd, the great independent investigative journalist, Craig Murray — a former British diplomat — headlined at his blog, “Condemned By Their Own Words”, and he posted there the translated-to-English transcript (excerpted below) to this Israeli radio Hebrew broadcast on April 21st, in which an Israeli Brigadier-General, named Fogel, explained why Israel’s troops are doing the right…