Why Is Amnesty Apologising for Telling the Truth About Ukrainian War Crimes?

Why Is Amnesty Apologising for Telling the Truth About Ukrainian War Crimes?

Should a human rights organisation apologise for publishing important evidence of war crimes and human rights abuses? If it does apologise, what does that suggest about its commitment to dispassionately uncovering the truth about the actions of both parties to war? And equally, what message does it send to those who claim to be “distressed”…

Whoopi Gets a Whipping

Whoopi Gets a Whipping

French eighteenth century journalist and propagandist Jacques Mallet du Pan coined the adage that “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants,” frequently translated as “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its own children.” Saturn was a Greek and Roman god who famously was depicted as eating his own children, though the attribution was more…

Will Scathing Amnesty Apartheid Report Lead to Change in Israel’s Criminal Practices?

Will Scathing Amnesty Apartheid Report Lead to Change in Israel’s Criminal Practices?

The Amnesty International report about Israel’s apartheid system states that, since its founding in 1948, Israel has in fact constituted a “cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.” It further states: Amnesty International has analyzed Israel’s intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components:…

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Choosing Enemies Very Selectively

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Choosing Enemies Very Selectively

The Trump administration continues to scour the world for enemies, selecting new ones and reinforcing distrust and hatred in those already specified as being in that category. One long-standing target is the island state of Cuba, some 100 miles/160 km from Florida. President Obama moved towards establishing stable and civilised relations with Cuba, but the…

FILE PHOTO US service member passes in front of a MQ-9 Reaper drone © Reuters / Omar Sobhani

‘We Did Not Expect the World to be Silent’: US Continuing to Kill Civilians with Impunity

The Trump administration, which made promises to rein in Washington’s unnecessary wars, has not only expanded the US’ covert and lethal drone program, but has taken the covering up of its civilian death toll to a whole new level. Like most of the battlefields opened more widely under the Obama administration, Donald Trump ramped up…