Southeast Asia Ignores US War on Huawei

Southeast Asia Ignores US War on Huawei

The Western media has begun complaining about Southeast Asia’s collective decision to move forward with 5G network technology from Chinese telecom giant Huawei despite US demands that nations ban all Huawei products. These demands are predicated on clearly fabricated security threats surrounding Huawei technology. The US itself is a global leader of producing hardware with hidden backdoors…

As China Settles in for a Long Trade War, Economic Pressure on Trump Continues to Grow

As China Settles in for a Long Trade War, Economic Pressure on Trump Continues to Grow

The trade war between the United States and China is increasingly weighing on the global economy, but unfortunately it does not appear that it will end any time soon. Many pundits in the U.S. originally believed that the trade war would be short because the economic pain would be too much for the Chinese to…

US Slaps New Tariffs on China; One Minute Later China Retaliates

US Slaps New Tariffs on China; One Minute Later China Retaliates

The biggest reason for last week’s torrid stock market rally was rekindled “optimism” that the escalating trade war between the US and China may be on the verge of another ceasefire following phone conversations, fake as they may have been, between the US and Chinese side. This translated into speculation that a new round of…

Merkel’s in Beijing, Pence is in Poland

Merkel’s in Beijing, Pence is in Poland

A senior Polish official explained to me recently why his country couldn’t accept American demands to exclude Huawei from Poland’s buildout of 5G broadband. During the early 2010s, the United States ignored Poland entirely, but Huawei made a long-term commitment, and built the country’s entire telecommunications infrastructure. To exclude Huawei at this point would be…